How To Get Rid Of Fleas For Good

A Common Misconception

Many cat owners mistakenly believe that since their cat is indoor only, they do not need to use preventative measures against fleas. Fleas are resourceful little creatures, they can hitch a ride to your home on your clothing or hide out in a vet office until they find your perfectly plump feline. A lot of times these pet owners don’t even realize they have a problem until it’s already severe.

Don’t Let It Happen To You

The second most common mistake made by pet owners is underestimating the problem. So you saw a flea, no big deal it was only one, a quick bath and Tiger will be good as new. Right? Wrong, if you saw a flea you probably already have quite the infestation. For every one flea you see, there are at least 9 other adults and three times as many eggs hiding on your pet and in your home. Every day you let go by their numbers multiply, female fleas can lay up to 50 eggs a day! You can go from a few to hundreds to thousands in no time!

It’s Not Too Late

The good news is that your flea infestation is 100% treatable. It just takes a little work and knowledge. The first thing you may notice when shopping for the right flea medication is so many mixed reviews. There are a few reasons for this discrepancy. The first is simple, a particular treatment might not work if it is not administered correctly. Topical treatments such as Frontline, Advantage and Revolution can work well, but only if applied the right way. Make sure to read the directions thoroughly so you can be sure you are applying the treatment correctly.

Be Sure to Treat all Animals all Year

A major mistake some pet owners make is they may believe they don’t need to treat all the pets in the home or every month of the year. If you are not treating all your animals the medication in the treatment will not be able to keep up with the growth of the infestation being fueled by the untreated pet. On top of that, if you are skipping months, even in the winter, you run the risk a few surviving fleas finding a nice, warm and cozy home in your house to populate over the next few months. To successfully prevent flea infestations, you have to treat every animal in your home, every month of the year.

Don’t Let Fleas Hide Away

It is also important to not only treat your pet, but your home and yard as well. Regularly wash and vacuum all pet beds, blankets and climbers, paying special attention to anything with fabric or carpeting. Vacuum your home often and routinely wash your rugs and furniture. Have your yard professionally treated or treat yourself. Keep your yard clean and free of debris, fleas love dark, humid places and hate sunshine. So make your yard as open and sunny as possible.

Don’t Give Up

It is easy to get frustrated and feel all your efforts are in vain. Just remember this infestation did not grow overnight. These ruthless pests were building their army long before you even knew your home had been invaded. It will take time for them to completely disappear. Since flea eggs can take 2 weeks to hatch, you may have to wait through a couple cycles before you are no longer seeing evidence of their presence. Stay diligent! Continue to treat all your pets and keep up with your routine of  washing and vacuuming. 

Our Flea Treatment Routine

Over the years we have perfected a treatment routine that will give you immediate, and long lasting results. To read more in depth of our exact treatment plan visit our past Blog Post: The Best Flea Treatment Routine.

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